

1. Waking up and stabilising-attention body and breath 10 min

1. Waking up and stabilising-attention body and breath 20 min

1. Waking up and stabilising-attention body and breath 30 min

1. Waking up and stabilising-attention walking 10 min

1. Waking up and stabilising-attention walking 20 min

1. Waking up and stabilising-attention walking 30 min

2. Keeping the body in mind Body scan (Crane)

2. Keeping the body in mind Movement 10 min (Crane)

2. Keeping the body in mind Movement 20 min (Crane)

2. Keeping the body in mind Movement 30 min (Crane)

2. Keeping the body in mind Movement 40 min (Crane)

3. Appreciation introduction (Cullen)

3. Appreciation meditation (Cullen)

3. Appreciation end of day reflection (Cullen)

4. Gathering the scattered mind 10 min (Sumbundu)

4. Gathering the scattered mind 30 min (Sumbundu)

5. Recognizing how we react to difficulty Feeling tone in body 10 min

5. Recognizing how we react to difficulty Feeling tone in body 15 min

5. Recognizing how we react to difficulty Feeling tone in body 20 min

5. Recognizing how we react to difficulty Feeling tone moment by moment 10 min

5. Recognizing how we react to difficulty Feeling tone moment by moment 15 min

5. Recognizing how we react to difficulty Feeling tone moment by moment 20 min

5. Recognizing how we react to difficulty Feeling tone in everyday life 10 min

5. Recognizing how we react to difficulty End of day reflection

6. Befriending Introduction (Kuyken)

6. Befriending  10 min (Kuyken)

6. Befriending 15 min (Kuyken)

6. Befriending 20 min (Kuyken)

6. Befriending 30 min (Kuyken)

6. Befriending 40 min (Kuyken)

8. Disentangling thoughts and emotions 10 min (Sumbundu)

8. Disentangling thoughts and emotions 30 min (Sumbundu)

8. Disentangling thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness and daily life 1

8. Disentangling thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness and daily life 2

9. Rediscovering compassion long meditation (Feldman)

9. Rediscovering compassion short meditation 1 (Feldman)

9. Rediscovering compassion short meditation 2 (Feldman)

10. 3mbs regular (Cullen)

10. 3mbs responsive (Cullen)

10. 3mbs appreciative (Cullen)

11. Changing modes after work (Williams)

11. End of day meditation. Nourishing and depleting (Williams)

11. Everyday mindfulness. Action choices (Williams)

11. Everyday posture (Williams)

11. Everyday walking or standing (Williams)

11. Mindful commuting (Williams)

11. Mindful eating and drinking (Williams)

11. Mindful speaking and listening (Williams)

11. Waking up. 3 mbs (Williams)

11. When you can’t sleep. Body scan 10 min (Williams)

11. When you can’t sleep. Body scan. 25 min (Williams)

11. When you can’t sleep. Mindfulness of feet (Williams)

12. Keeping your balance. Sitting 30 min (Crane)

Sitting 20 min (Johnson)

Sitting 30 min (Johnson)

Breathing space-appreciation (Johnson)

Breathing space-compassion (Johnson)

Sitting with difficulties (Crane) 10 min

Sitting with difficulties (Crane) 30 min