Ressources pour soutenir la pratique professionnelle en période de pandémie (soutien psychologique et recommandations)

Anxiety disorders association of Amarica. Keep calm and carry on: clinical practice during the COVID 19 pandemic. Webinaire pour les psychologues (comment adapter sa pratique).

American Psychiatric Association Coronavirus resources. “Boîte à outil pour la pratique psychiatrique en temps de COVID-19”.

American Psychological Association. Pandemics.  “Boîte à outil pour la pratique psychologique en temps de COVID-19”

Association médicale candienne. Quand les médecins sont bien dans leur peau, tout le monde en profite. Un médecin en santé et épanoui est plus efficace et contribue à de meilleurs résultats pour ses patients.Vous vivez de la détresse? Trouvez des services de soutien et de counseling Ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre. Un collègue vit une situation difficile? Consultez nos ressources de soutien par les pairs.

Canadian medical protection association. Resources for staying well during COVID-19/ressources pour demeurer en santé pendant la pandémie de COVID-19

CISSS Laval. La santé des médecins est une préoccupation quotidienne pour la communauté médicale, et bien sûr ici au PAMQ. Dans un souci de partage des connaissances, vous trouverez ici une série de documents produits par un groupe de travail du CISSS de Laval sur le thème de la santé des médecins. Chacun d’entre eux propose d’identifier une problématique, et d’y répondre par le biais d’outils reconnus et éprouvés.En prime, vous trouverez le questionnaire qui a servi de base à ce travail, transposable à différents milieux partout au Québec.

Collège Royal des Médecins et Chirurgiens du Canada. Ressources de mieux être à l’intention des professionnels de la santé.

Compassionate Wellbeing. The nature of compassion, fear, safe relating, and world change. A series of talks by Professor Paul Gilbert discussing how compassion can help us during this time of heightened anxiety and uncertainty.

Coping With Coronavirus. Fantastic collection of resources developed by trainee clinical psychologists at UCL. The also have a Facebook page with frequent updates.

Greater good. Greater Good’s Guide to Well-Being During Coronavirus. UC Berkeley: Emotional Resilience During the COVID-19 Crisis: Practices for Health Care Providers from the UCSF Department of Psychiatry: A webinar with tips on reducing personal stress from Elissa Epel, Eve Ekman, and Dan Siegel; Five Ways to Protect Your Well-Being as a Health Care ProfessionalLessons from the Greater Good Institute for Health Professionals about how to care for yourself and nurture your relationships; How Gratitude Can Reduce Burnout in Health CareIn a stressful, exhausting job, embracing a culture of thankfulness can be good for both staff and patients; Why I Cultivate Gratitude as a Health Professional: A physician learns how gratitude can bring more meaning and resilience to his work; The Compassion Paradox Faced by Health Care Workers: Health care demands compassion—and yet that connection with patients can fuel stress. Here’s how one doctor tries to find the balance. Gratitude toolkit for nurses.

Highfield, J. (2020) Intensive care society: Wellbeing resource library. Récupéré sur “The Intensive Care Society is delighted to share our new wellbeing resource pack developed with Dr Julie Highfield, Clinical Psychologist. Our poster series aims to improve our understanding of psychological wellbeing at work, the impact reduced wellbeing can have and what we can do in response, and includes tips for dealing with extraordinary situations such as COVID-19 and everyday working in critical care.  It prompts the reader(s) to consider: tips for approaching self-care, how to manage personal wellbeing, what we can do to improve our workplace, when to ask for help.” Helpful posters they have shared include: Advice for sustaining staff wellbeing in critical care during and beyond COVID-19, Self-care during COVID-19, How to approach self-care

How I treat COVID. Dr Elie Kassouf, hémato-oncologue, a mis sur pied, en collaboration avec plusieurs médecins spécialistes, un site Internet pour les professionnels de la santé afin de regrouper en un seul et même endroit toute la littérature au sujet de la COVID-19. Comprend bientôt un forum.

INESSS. COVID-19 et la phase de rétablissemement à la pandémie pour les personnes avec des problèmes ou des troubles de santé mentale.

Institute Of Psychiatry, Psychology, & Neuroscience Maintaining health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic videos from a fantastic series of talks by the IoPPN. Talks include: DO I or don’t I have COVID-19? The anxiety trap, ACTing with uncertainty: Emotions and COVID-19, Health behaviour for COVID-19: The good, the bad, and the ugly

Joanisse, M. Psychological first aide for frontline health care providers during COVID-19. A quick guide to wellness.

Just listening: se soutenir émotionnellement en temps de crise. “Emotional distress around COVID-19 is not a ‘mental illness’: It is an understandable and common human experience.”

1440 Online learning. Multiversity Healing our healthcare heroes. Cours pour prendre soin de soi de façon holistique

NHS Education for ScotlandPsychosocial responses to COVID-19. Récupéré sur ” Helpful considerations for coordinating a response to COVID-19 in professional environments”

Ordre des psychologues: Information aux psychologues sur la pratique (pandémie COVID-19).

OxCADAT COVID-19 Resources | Oxford Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma (OxCADAT) Guidance in how to remotely deliver the NICE recommended cognitive therapies for PTSD, Social Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder that were developed by the OxCADAT team. These guides only address how to remotely deliver the treatments and assume that therapists are already familiar with all of the main features of the treatment. PTSD after intensive care: a guide for therapists, PTSD after intensive care: information for health care professionals, Cognitive therapy for PTSD – remote delivery guidance

Psychinfo. This site is designed for psychology practitioners in Ontario in response to COVID-19 events and needs.

Psychology tools: Psychological resources for Coronavirus. “During the outbreak many mental health professionals will be working to offer psychological support and advice to front-line medical staff, as well as to other clients, and to the public. We have put together this page to collate links to resources which might assist your clinical practice during the current global health crisis.”

Respite. Resilience in the Era of Sustainable Physicians: An International Training Endeavour. Boîte à outil résilience pour les résidents.

Second victim support. Boîte à outil pour personnel de santé témoin ou impliqué dans des événements à conséquences négatives. “Second victims are healthcare providers who are involved in an unanticipated adverse patient event, a medical error and/or a patient related injury and become victimized in the sense that the provider is traumatized by the event. Frequently, these individuals feel personally responsible for the patient outcome. Many feel as though they have failed the patient, second guessing their clinical skills and knowledge base”

Support The Workers | UCL / NHS. Support the workers is an international group of experts in disaster response, crisis psychology, high pressure decision-making and human performance and health under conditions of extreme stress. They have developed an excellent evidence-based training and support curriculum for staff providing psychosocial support to frontline workers. Helpful resources they have shared include: Extreme stressors, Moral injury, Performance debriefing (note this is not traumatic debriefing, which is not recommended), Team dynamics and non-technical skills

COVID Trauma Response Working Group  (University College London). Covid trauma response working group. A group of psychological trauma specialists in the UK have formed a working group to help coordinate trauma-informed responses to the COVID outbreak. Policy documents include:Advice for hospital staff during the COVID pandemic, Guidance for planners of the psychological response to stress experienced by hospital staff associated with COVID: early interventions, Clinical guidance: psychological first aid, Supporting mental health staff working with children and young people through the COVID-19 pandemic: guidance for services