Helping homebound children during the COVID 19 outbreak

Anna Freud Center. Self care toolbox for young people, Good days in unusual times booklet, Self management strategies for young people experiencing anxiety, Supporting schools and colleges booklet, Supporting the most vulnerable children and young people, Coronavirus: resources for building resilience toolkit #6

British psychological society (2020). Talking to children about Coronavirus.

Center for the study of traumatic stress (2020). Helping homebound children during the COVID-19 outbreak. Récupéré de

International OCD foundation (2020). Talking to kids about COVID-19.

National child traumatic stress network (2020). Parent/caregiver guide to helping families cope with the coronavirus disease 2019. Récupéré de

Russell, L. Worry and anxiety about coronavirus.

Waite, P. et al (2020). Supporting children and young people with worries about COVID-19. Récupéré de

WHO. Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCOV outbreak.