Documents politiques: réponse au COVID19

British psychological society. Meeting the psychological needs of people recovering from severe coronavirus (Covid-19)

Cole-King, Optimizing staff preparedness, wellbeing and functioning during the COVID 19 pandemic response. Récupéré de ” Guidance compiled by a combination of UK and international subject matter experts in the psychology of staff wellbeing plus medical managers and everyday clinicians from clinical areas likely to get hit hard by COVID.”

Comité permanent inter-institutions des Nations Unies (2020). “Supporting people working in the COVID-19 response“, Note d’information provisoire: prise en compte des aspects psychosociaux et de santé et Mental health and psychosocial aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic ” This briefing note summarizes key mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) considerations in relation to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak”

Williams, R., Murray, E., Neal, A., & Kemp, M. V. (2020). Top Ten Messages for Supporting Healthcare Staff During the COVID-19 Pandemic.