Coping with stress during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Helpguide. Coronavirus Mental Health Toolkit. Help for when you’re feeling trapped, isolated, or anxious to get back to normal life. As the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic moves into the shorter days and colder weather of winter, many of us face additional challenges and hardships. Even with the rollout of vaccines, normal life can still seem a long way off. But no matter how hopeless or confined you feel at the moment, there are steps you can take to ease the burden on your mental health. Using the short tips contained in this toolkit, you can improve your mood, feel less isolated, and ease the stress of social restrictions. Récupéré de

Leahy, R. (2020). A roadmap to finding calm amid Coronavirus anxiety. Récupéré sur et une série d’articles sur la gestion du stress et de la détresse sur

International OCD foundation. COVID-19. What you need to know and do, COVID-19 vs your OCD symptoms, Self care during COVID-19, Talking to kids about COVID-19. Pour le trouble obsessionnel compulsif.

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Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust Specialist
Psychological Interventions Centre. Coping with the coronavirus series. This is a series of leaflets about Coronavirus and mental health. The leaflets contain information about how the Coronavirus outbreak might affect your mental health, how to look after yourself, what to do if a problem persists, and where to find further information. Worry and uncertainty. Recovering from trauma. Bereavement. Fatigue. Depression. Obsessional problems and OCD. Recovery after coronavirus. Récupéré de

Psychinfo (2020). COVID related material: handouts/tipsheets, online learning courses/services, webpages. Récupéré sur

Rivzi, S. DBT survival skills. Clips on YouTube.

Sanderson, W. Coping with fear and sadness during a pandemic. Hoffstra University

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Valley Center on Counselling (2020). A Practical Evidence-Based Self-Help Program for COVID-19-Related Worry and Anxiety. CBT for worry and anxiety during COVID-19

Wellbeing services south Glasgow (NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde) (2020). Coping with isolation

The Wellness Society. Coronavirus workbook. JAMMA International.

Word confederation of cognitive and behavioural therapies. Cognitive behaviour therapy strategies to improve mental health during COVID-19 pandemic. Récupéré sur

World health organization (2020). Coping with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak. Récupéré le 26 mars sur le site du WHO.